
Learn about the ecological impacts of the oil and gas industry through FracTracker articles, maps, and imagery.

Wildlife & Ecology

Explore the articles and maps below to learn the impact of fracking on wildlife and ecology. Oil and gas activities can harm endangered species, critical habitats, watersheds, and ecosystems by polluting the air and water, installing disrupting infrastructure such as roads or pipelines, creating noise and light pollution, and more.

Related Articles

Learn about the impact of fracking on wildlife and ecology through visualizations such as maps, digital atlases of critical watersheds, and aerial photography.

Desalination: The Chemical Industry’s Demand for Water in Texas

Desalination facilities proposed by the petrochemical industry in Texas could significantly impact fragile Gulf Coast ecosystems.

New Film Tells Story of Community’s Fight Against Fracking Waste

"Hellbent," a new documentary slated for release in August 2022, tells the story of a small town in Pennsylvania and a species on the brink of extinction that are unlikely allies in the fight for a clean, livable environment.

Dimock residents working to protect water from a new threat: fracking waste

Sen. Muth and Dimock, PA residents are fighting a permitted Eureka Resource Susquehanna facility that puts their water at risk.
Painting of Dimock

Victoria’s Story

The story of Victoria Switzer, a Dimock resident who is leading the charge to protect Burdick Creek and Dimock from toxic fracking waste.
Jared Durelle

Gas Storage Plan vs. Indigenous Rights in Nova Scotia

The Mi’kmaq First Nations people are facing threats to their lands and water due to plans in Nova Scotia proposed by AltaGas.

Birds of Northeastern Pennsylvania Threatened by Fracking Development

Information on which bird species in northeastern Pennsylvania are affected by the fracking industry’s expansion.
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