
Learn about the ecological impacts of the oil and gas industry through FracTracker articles, maps, and imagery.

Wildlife & Ecology

Explore the articles and maps below to learn the impact of fracking on wildlife and ecology. Oil and gas activities can harm endangered species, critical habitats, watersheds, and ecosystems by polluting the air and water, installing disrupting infrastructure such as roads or pipelines, creating noise and light pollution, and more.

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Learn about the impact of fracking on wildlife and ecology through visualizations such as maps, digital atlases of critical watersheds, and aerial photography.

Property in Belmont County, Ohio, vacated due to nearby drilling activity.The cottage along Slope Creek, months after being vacated due to health concerns caused by nearby oil and gas operations. Photo courtesy of Chloe Mankin

Calling for Change: Life on the Fracking Frontlines

Frontline residents of the Ohio River Valley have first-hand experience of the impacts of fracking.
Matt Kelso, FracTracker Alliance, 2023

Digital Atlas: Exploring Nature and Industry in the Raccoon Creek Watershed

Digital atlas of Pennsylvania's Raccoon Creek unveils a comprehensive exploration of the watershed, emphasizing its ecological richness, recreational offerings, and the multifaceted impacts of industrial activities.

Pennsylvania Watersheds at Risk: Ecological Degradation

State designated waters in Pennsylvania are protected from pollution, but not from oil and gas related water withdrawals. This analysis shows watersheds in the state are at risk for ecological degradation due to fracking.

The Evolution of Environmental Regulation: A Case Study of Sackett v. EPA

The SCOTUS decision in Sackett v. EPA has significant implications for wetland protection and the future trajectory of environmental regulation in the United States.

Widespread, Lingering Impacts of Norfolk Southern Warrant an Emergency Response

Hundreds of reports from the frontlines prove that the impacts of the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, warrant an emergency response.

Coursing Through Gasland: A Digital Atlas Exploring Natural Gas Development in the Towanda Creek Watershed

This digital atlas exploring natural gas development in the Towanda Creek watershed is the fourth in a series of FracTracker Alliance watershed impact analyses in the Susquehanna River Basin.
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