Updated Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Waste Information
Mixed total of waste produced by Marcellus Shale gas wells between July 1 and December 31, 2010. For more information on specific wells, click the blue “i” button, then click on one of the purple dots.
Self reported Marcellus Shale waste data for the period between July 1 and December 31, 2010 is now available on the DEP website and FracTracker’s DataTool in the following categories:
- Basic Sediment (in barrels): Sludge that collects at the bottom of storage tanks and pits
- Brine (in barrels): These are naturally occurring pockets of saltwater that are encountered in the drilling process.
- Drill Cuttings (in tons): This is composed of the layers of earth that the drill passes through on the way to the target formation.
- Drilling (in barrels): The main function of drilling fluid is to maintain the proper pressure in the well
- Frac Fluid (in Barrels): This is what is injected into the well during the hydraulic fracturing process, much of which tends to flow back out.
- Servicing Fluid (in Barrels): Waste produced by one of a variety of post-production services performed on a well.
- Spent Lubricant (in Barrels): This lubricates the drill bit
I have also pivoted the data to establish how much waste is transported to the various disposal locations.
Locations accepting Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale waste. Please click on the gray compass rose and double carat (^) to hide those menus.
I have a few initial observations about the waste production data:
- The totals for waste production in every category except Basic Sediment are higher for the six month period from than they were for the one year period ending on June 30, 2010. This increase almost certainly reflects better reporting rather than a dramatic increase in waste production in the last half of 2010.
- There are some obvious inaccuracies in the map of the facilities receiving Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale waste. There is no reason that this waste would be shipped to Texas or Alabama, for example. Those locations are most likely corporate addresses of the waste facilities.
- Despite the fact that companies are supposed to report both addresses and latitude and longitude of the receiving facilities, not all of the facilities receiving waste are on this map. The list of addresses appeared to be more complete, so that is what was used for mapping purposes. If you download the full dataset, addresses in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, West Virinia, Maryland, and New Jersey are given as recipients of Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale waste.