Paid Marcellus Programming to Play in West Virginia

Who doesn’t love a good half hour commercial? But it’s not just for OxiClean and musical compilations of 70’s disco tunes anymore–the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association is getting in on the act too.
In addition to the half hour weekly episode of “Inside Shale”, in which callers ask questions of industry insiders, there will be a “Marcellus Minute” that airs 10 to 20 times per day. Both programs are scheduled to launch on 49 radio stations throughout West Virginia.
Talking about the Marcellus Shale on the radio is certainly not off limits, but the industry sponsored call in show does sound questionable, in that the format mimics a news format, and it could be confused as such. It’s a shame that the industry didn’t push for actual moderated discussions, with guests arguing from a variety of perspectives. That is something that there’s a real need for, not just in West Virginia, but wherever shale gas extraction is occurring.
There are real impacts of drilling. Some people are giddy with prospective royalty checks. Others are bitter with the presence of compressors, condensers, and fouled water wells on property that they own, but not the mineral rights for. There’s a lot to talk about, and communities that might be affected by the industry deserve to hear both sides.