Staff Spotlight: Sarah Carballo
As part of FracTracker’s staff spotlight series, learn more about one of the newest member of the FracTracker team, Sarah Carballo, and what she’ll be working on with us.
Time with FracTracker: Three weeks
Education: University of North Carolina at Asheville
Office Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Title: Communications Specialist
Spotlight Interview
How did you first get involved working on oil and gas issues / fracking?
An early experience that increased my awareness of oil and gas issues was visiting friends in Susquehanna County, Pa., at the beginning of the shale gas boom. That summer in Pennsylvania, I experienced firsthand how the encroaching industry was disrupting the lives of longtime residents. I recall talking on their porch and having to raise our voices to be heard over the incessant din of gas wells being drilled nearby. We split firewood, watched lightning bugs, and played ladder ball late into the evenings basked in the glow of lights on heavy machinery. Worst of all, we were forbidden to drink the well water, which reeked of sulfur as a result of new fracking operations on adjacent property. The close proximity to some of the direct effects of fracking made a particularly powerful and lasting impression on me, and that experience—and many others since—constantly remind me of the importance of working on these issues.
What will you actually do in your role?

Sarah Carballo, Communications Specialist. View Bio
I’ll be supporting FracTracker by helping to communicate the risks of oil, gas, and petrochemical development. My role includes managing social media, writing the monthly newsletter, creating digital content, and maintaining our website, among other responsibilities.
Previous Position and Organization
I was most recently the Communications Specialist with the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, but have worked with numerous nonprofits across Central and Southern Appalachia in various capacities since 2015.
What is one of the most impactful projects you are excited to be involved in with FracTracker?
I’m very excited about the opportunity to use our data and analysis to help tell stories of impact through multimedia. But most importantly, I’m excited to continue supporting the movement in any way I can.