Entries by FracTracker Alliance

Gas Well Explosion – Indiana Township, PA

On Friday a two-year-old shallow gas well exploded in Indiana Township (Allegheny County), PA killing two workers. According to sources, multiple parties are involved in the investigation, including the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Allegheny County fire marshal and Huntley & Huntley Inc., the Monroeville company that employed […]

Public Meetings on Marcellus Shale

Fellow Pittsburghers – If you are one of the many people interested in the issue of hydraulic fracturing & how it could affect the environment & public health, be sure to attend the following meeting: Thu, July 22, 6pm – 10pm Hilton Garden Inn, 1000 Corporate Drive, Canonsburg, PA 15317 The EPA is looking for […]

Fractracker Must Thrive and Survive by Your Comments

There has been some very good comments from Fractracker contributors, and I would like to share and help to facilitate further commenting… 1) Many of the data sets currently uploaded to Fractracker are from the PADEP’s “2010 Permit and RIG Activity,” under “Reports” from the Bureau or Oil and Gas Management Home Page. These are […]

Components of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid

On June 30th, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection made public the fluids used to hydraulically fracture the ground in PA. You can find that list on the DEP’s site here. However, some controversy ensued due to a mix up between the DEP & the material safety data sheets. Diesel fuel, which is listed in […]

Marcellus Shale Drilling – Citizen Experiences

Photo Left: Fire that erupted on a drill pad in Hopewell Township PA. Photo courtesy of local resident. Atlas Energy drilling site. 3-31-10 CHEC’s Marcellus Shale Documentary Project One of the exciting tasks that we are working on right now is a documentary project surrounding gas extraction activities in the Marcellus Shale region. This project […]

Concerned Groups Meet to Discuss Impacts, Options, and FracTracker

On Tuesday, June 29, 2010, CHEC & the Foundation for PA Watersheds will be hosting one of the most diverse meetings ever assembled to address Marcellus Shale gas extraction concerns. The meeting is also to officially launch this blog! (We’re calling both components “FracTracker” for simplicity purposes.) Serious economic, environmental & public health concerns surround […]

Today is a good day in PA

The Independent Regulatory Review Commission just passed two revisions to Chapter 102 & one to Chapter 95 that help to protect our waterways from natural gas drilling. The new rules will require that drillers treat the wastewater produced from hydraulic fracturing to drinking water standards if they want to dispose of it in PA’s waterways. […]

Frequently Asked Questions on Marcellus Shale Drilling

What is Marcellus Shale, how is it different, & why the sudden interest in it? What is the size of the drill pad? What happens to trees that are on the drill pad when it is cleared? Must the gas company restore the drill pad after drilling & fracing? Who keeps watch over this process? […]