Entries by Guest Author

Oil and Gas Brine in Ohio

A hazardous byproduct of oil & gas operations, called “brine,” poses a problem because of its radioactivity and the volumes produced.

Victoria’s Story

The story of Victoria Switzer, a Dimock resident who is leading the charge to protect Burdick Creek and Dimock from toxic fracking waste.

Mapping intersectionality: Empowering youth addressing plastics

VIEW MAP & DATA Overview A new collaboration between FracTracker Alliance and Algalita is aiming to help middle school and high school students understand the connection between plastics and fracking — and the wide ranging implications for climate change, environmental injustice, and human health. Most young people today understand that plastics are problematic. But, there […]

Electric Vehicles: Better Wheels

The wheel may have been influenced by nature, but today, the inverse is true. The anthropogenic automobile stimulates climate change and the environmental ravages correlated with a heating planet. Twenty-eight percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the US come from transportation – more than any other economic sector. As the climate crisis spirals out of […]

For A New Decade

In the summer of 2019, FracTracker began work on a bold strategic plan. With the organization’s last formal plan dating to 2013, the effort was long overdue. Consultations, stakeholder surveys, and scans of issues and trends fed a rigorous, facilitated retreat. More conversations followed, accompanying iterative drafting, until a comprehensive and detailed plan emerged. Meanwhile […]