Entries by Guest Author

Please consider supporting FracTracker Alliance this holiday season

Often times it can be difficult to clearly communicate the impact that FracTracker has had on communities concerned about the impacts of the oil and gas industry, or the benefits the data we provide offer to researchers and journalists investigating the links between this activity and a variety of issues. As such, I will let these recent […]

Empowered by Reality – Reflections on Climate Reality

In October, Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project invigorated Pittsburgh like an autumn breeze. Never before had 1,400 people assembled in the region for the shared purpose of solving the climate crisis. The ground almost shook from the positive energy. It was induced seismicity of a better kind. About the Climate Reality Project The event occupied […]

Protect Greater Chaco: Drone surveillance of regional fracking sites in NM

  By Tom Burkett – River Healer Spokesperson, New Mexico Watchdog The Greater Chaco region is known to the Diné (Navajo) as Dinétah, the land of their ancestors. It contains countless sacred sites that date to the Anasazi and is home of the Bisti Badlands and Chaco Culture National Historical Park, a World Heritage Site. […]

It’s not too late to donate to FracTracker Alliance

Our planet needs your help and so does FracTracker so we can keep helping the planet. Forgive our circular logic, but you are invaluable in keeping us in motion. Our first, formal annual fund campaign launched in September 2016 and has received over $15,000 in donations. While that is 30% of our goal, every dollar […]

Wayne National Forest Could Be Deforested – Again

Guest article by Becca Pollard Eighty years ago, Southeastern Ohio was a wasteland of barren, eroding hills. During the 18th and 19th centuries this once heavily forested area in the Appalachian foothills had been clear cut and mined beyond recognition. When the Great Depression struck, lowering crop prices made farming unprofitable in the area, and […]

Put on Your Earth Shoes

The biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. That’s one way to describe climate change. It proceeds ahead of schedule, threatening to wreak havoc on the world we know. No longer merely flirting with disaster, we’re tangled in a frenetic dance to save ourselves. Our friends at Years of Living Dangerously have vividly captured the scale […]

Wanted: More Places to Burn Natural Gas

By Alison Grass, Senior Researcher at Food & Water Watch Over the past decade, the natural gas industry has experienced a renaissance that has been a boon to energy company profits. But it has altered the quality of life for the rural communities where most new gas wells have been drilled. Now, fracking is fueling […]

Fracking in Dairy Country

A dairy farmer in Wisconsin reflects upon a new industry in town: frac sand mining, how it is perceived, and where the industry is headed. By Paul Jereczek Jereczek Homestead Dairy, Dodge, Wisconsin In 4th grade, every Wisconsin student learns about their state. Topics pertaining to Wisconsin’s economy, geography, and history along with ethnicity and traditions […]