Alabama Shale Viewer
This map contains several data layers to help understand unconventional oil and gas drilling in Alabama.
Last updated: 2/9/2021
About This Map
Name: Oil and Gas Wells (02-07-2021)
Source: Geological Survey of Alabama Oil and Gas Board
Date: 02-03-2021
Notes: This layer shows the oil and gas wells in Alabama. The “plugged & abandoned”, “shut-in”, and “canceled” wells are not included. This layer includes borehole coalbed methane and GOB coalbed methane data.
Well Status code: AB – Abandoned, AC – Active, CA – Canceled, CI – Canceled with Injection, CV – Converted, DA – Dry and Abandoned, PA – Plugged and Abandoned, PB – Plugged Back, PR – Producing, PW – Permitted Well, RJ – Released Jurisdiction, SI – Shut In, TA – Temporarily Abandoned, TP – Temporarily Plugged and Abandoned, UN – Undesignated.
Well Type code: CM – Coal Bed Methane, GAS – Natural Gas, GC – Gas Condensate, GI – Gas Injection, GST – Gas Storage, OIL – Oil, SHG – Shale Gas, WD – Water Disposal, UN – Undesignated, WI – Water Injection, WS – Water Source, WW – Water Well.
Name: Oil and gas Wells (generalized)
Source: Geological Survey of Alabama Oil and Gas Board
Date: 02-03-2021
Notes: This layer shows the location of oil and gas wells in Alabama. Once the user zooms in to 1:500,000, this layer disappears, and is replaced with the data layer.
Name: Counties
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s National Center for Environmental Information
Date Published: 03-06-2018
Notes: Alabama county boundaries.
Name: Watersheds (Large)
Source: National Recourses Conservation Service
Date: 09-2018
Notes: Watershed boundaries in Alabama at the eight-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC 08) level of detail. This has been modified from the original by clipping the results to the boundary of Alabama.
Name: Watersheds (Small)
Source: National Recourses Conservation Service
Date: 09-2018
Notes: Watershed boundaries in Alabama at the twelve-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC 12) level of detail. This has been modified from the original by clipping the results to the boundary of Alabama.
Name: Shale Plays
Source: Energy Information Administration
Date: 05-02-2011
Notes: Shale plays are depositional areas where carbon-rich shale deposits are likely to occur. This file has been modified from the original national file published by the EIA to only include shale plays within Alabama.
Name: Shale Basins
Source: Energy Information Administration
Date: 03-11-2016
Notes: Shale plays are broad depositional areas where the location of shale plays is possible. This file has been modified from the original national file published by the EIA to only include shale basins within Alabama.