Available via Evergreen Conservancy in Partnership with Indiana County Emergency Management
This project is a unique and progressive partnership between the Indiana County Emergency Management Agency and Evergreen Conservancy to protect and monitor our waterways in Pennsylvania. Project Funds were provided through The Foundation For Pennsylvania Watersheds – a Pennsylvania based nonprofit focused on protecting, preserving, and restoring the Commonwealth’s water resources – via GenOn Settlement funds.
Evergreen Conservancy installed real-time, cellular, telemetry, multi-parameter data loggers that record pH, temperature, flow and conductivity in county streams. The Manta 2 probes from Measurement Specialties monitor water quality at key locations near highways where there is a high risk of traffic accidents with trucks that haul toxic fluids and waste products that could potentially impact our waters. Emergency Management identified five water monitoring locations for Evergreen to install the stations. More information about the project can be found on the Evergreen Conservancy website as well as in an recent article from the Indiana Gazette.
Sharing the Results
Water monitoring data can be viewed via FracTracker.org 24/7 in the sidebar. When a problem arises, water quality alerts are sent by text or e-mail signaling staffers that parameters are above a predetermined level. This alert system ensures prompt response, thus reducing the distance that contaminates would otherwise travel. Please notify us if you see an issue with the sidebar data.
More Information
- The Foundation For Pennsylvania Watersheds
- Evergreen Conservancy
- Contact Cindy Rogers with questions: evergreenconservancy@gmail.com
Excellent – you may want to conduct grab sampling for total dissolved solids, chloride, barium, bromide, sodium, and strontium – you make see spikes associated with snow metal and maybe bromide spikes associated with natural saline seeps during low flow periods.