Social Issues

Explore issues related to environmental Justice, resistance, activism, and stewardship in our articles, maps, and images.

Social Issues

In 1970, the first Earth Day brought twenty million Americans to the streets to advocate for a healthy environment, laying the grounds for the modern climate justice movement. Explore issues related to Environmental Justice, resistance, activism, and stewardship in the articles and maps below.

Related Articles

ExxonMobil LaBarge CCUS Facility

Carbon Capture and Storage: Fact or Fiction?

Extractive industry uses propaganda to protect private profits at the expense of the public interest. According to the evidence, there is reason to believe that carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one such scheme.

New Film Tells Story of Community’s Fight Against Fracking Waste

"Hellbent," a new documentary slated for release in August 2022, tells the story of a small town in Pennsylvania and a species on the brink of extinction that are unlikely allies in the fight for a clean, livable environment.

8 Maps to Strengthen Environmental Justice Policy in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania’s environmental justice policy is an important tool for protecting marginalized communities from harm - but it needs your input!

Real Talk on Pipelines

This story map contains audio clips and quotes from local officials and residents on the impacts of oil & gas pipelines in their communities.
Russia Ukraine Energy Map

Mapping Energy Systems Impacted by the Russia-Ukraine War

This story map explores how the West's failure to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is funding Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Painting of Dimock

Victoria’s Story

The story of Victoria Switzer, a Dimock resident who is leading the charge to protect Burdick Creek and Dimock from toxic fracking waste.
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