Real Talk on Pipelines
Feature image: A family farm impacted by the NEXUS Pipeline, operated by DTE Energy and Enbridge, Chippewa Lake, Medina County, OH.
Photo by Ted Auch, FracTracker Alliance, May 2018.
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The story map below contains audio clips and quotes from interviews with local officials and residents as they reflect on the impacts of oil and gas pipelines in their communities. These stories serve as an example of standard operating practices for pipelines across the country. FracTracker draws from these lessons and provides suggestions for communities facing the prospect of pipeline installations.
Real Talk on Pipelines
This StoryMap explores the experiences of local and county officials along the NEXUS pipeline.
References & Where to Learn More
Listen to more audio stories and interviews by FracTracker at https://www.fractracker.org/resources/oil-and-gas-101/audio-stories/
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Unnatural Disasters
216 Franklin St, Suite 400, Johnstown, PA 15901
Phone: +1 (717) 303-0403 | info@fractracker.org
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