Introducing FracTracker’s newest board member: Christine Yellowthunder
FracTracker has been fortunate to recruit Christine Yellowthunder to our Board of Directors!
FracTracker’s newest board member, Christine Yellowthunder. Photo courtesy of Christine.
Christine lives in western Wisconsin, and has fought silica sand mining for the past eleven years in the surrounding towns. She has engaged her neighbors to challenge local decisions around the industry, and has worked to educate, organize, and collaborate with her community on environmental detriment from frac sand mining. She works with several groups across western Wisconsin to collaborate and share research and resources about the environmental impacts of frac sand mining.
On joining our Board, Christine has this to say:
“Communities impacted by Frac Sand Mining and its provision to communities experiencing Fracking need accurate resources for factual information that provides empowerment and prevents isolation in this wide-ranging battle against the destruction of the Earth. FracTracker has demonstrated the ongoing provision of quality information, research and support to all communities. Recognition of human interdependence and reliable communication are ongoing needs that I can support and encourage.”
Her knowledge of frac sand mining, fracking, and its downstream impacts makes her a great fit for FracTracker’s Board, to help guide our mission, offer advice, and help us see the bigger picture.
Christine is a state certified tree farmer, writer, and poet of Lakota heritage. She retired from her work in child and family social services and teaching, but remains a determined environmental justice advocate and wise community leader.
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