How Fracking Bans Protect Communities and the Environment

This article looks at the contrasting approach to fracking in Pennsylvania and New York. Pennsylvania’s extensive fracking operations have resulted in environmental and public health concerns. In contrast, New York’s ban on fracking has led to significant investments in renewable energy and permanent jobs.

California well pad

Chevron’s $2.3 Billion Asset Adjustment Raises Questions Amidst Regulatory Changes in California

Information disclosed in Chevron’s 2023 Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K filed on February 26, 2024, suggests Chevron was hoping to eventually offload its idle wells to a limited liability company to avoid the cost of properly decommissioning its wells in California.

Index of Oil and Gas Operator Health in California Shows Risks to State Economy and Taxpayers

Though a handful of California of oil and gas operators continue to produce profitable volumes of oil, the majority of California operators, including the state’s oil and gas major corporations, Chevron, Aera Energy, and California Resources Corporation, are producing very low average volumes of oil per well.

Pennsylvania Watersheds at Risk: Water Supply Decline

Watersheds in Pennsylvania are at risk for water supply issues in the coming years as a result of fracking activities that are threatening the quality and quantity of fresh water.

Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrency Mining: Environmental BOMB, Not Balm, for the Planet

Since late 2021, FracTracker has been collecting information on cryptomining operations around the United States, and has partnered with Global Energy Monitor to further research, document, and map many more of these cryptocurrency mining operations.

Map of potential carbon capture technology

An Insider Take on the Appalachian Hydrogen & CCUS Conference

Reflections on the Appalachian Hydrogen and Carbon Capture conference, and how companies hope to use new tech to prolong fossil fuel dependence

8 Maps to Strengthen Environmental Justice Policy in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania’s environmental justice policy is an important tool for protecting marginalized communities from harm – but it needs your input!

TedAuch_Infrastructure-Compressor_Cryogenic_Complex-MarkWest_EnergyTransfer-WashingtonCounty-PA_Sept2021 feature

2021 Production from Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Wells

FracTracker has released an analysis of Pennsylvania’s 2021 oil and gas production totals and the impacts of orphaned and abandoned wells.

Russia Ukraine Energy Map

Mapping Energy Systems Impacted by the Russia-Ukraine War

This story map explores how the West’s failure to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is funding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The world is watching as bitcoin battle brews in the US

If Gov. Cuomo wants to lead the nation on climate, he has to address the impacts of proof of work cryptocurrency mining industry in New York.