Can California Energy Policy Move Past its Contradictions?

California’s energy policy is riddled with contradictions. Explore how the state’s climate goals clash with its continued reliance on fossil fuels, carbon capture, and fragmented regulations.

The Supreme Court’s Brackeen v. Haaland Ruling: Tribal Sovereignty, Resource Exploitation, and Future Challenges

On June 15, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Haaland v. Brackeen, upholding the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978. This ruling prevented a broader attack on tribal governance, which could have extended to undermining legal protections over natural resources.

Analyzing Project 2025: Implications for Environmental Policy and Regulation

Project 2025 lays out a vision for reshaping federal policies under the next administration. This proposed shift could have wide-reaching implications for environmental policy and regulation.

Fracking’s Role in the 2024 Election: An Uncertain Future for Pennsylvania and Beyond

Fracking is a key issue in the 2024 election, especially in battleground states like Pennsylvania, where voters weigh its health, environmental, and economic impacts.

How Fracking Bans Protect Communities and the Environment

This article looks at the contrasting approach to fracking in Pennsylvania and New York. Pennsylvania’s extensive fracking operations have resulted in environmental and public health concerns. In contrast, New York’s ban on fracking has led to significant investments in renewable energy and permanent jobs.

Fracking drilling rig in Washington County, Pennsylvania

Not-So-Radical Transparency: An Ineffective and Unnecessary Partnership Between Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro and the Gas Company CNX

CNX’s “radical transparency” data provides incomplete information and heavily downplays the dangers of fracking.

California Must Improve Management of Idle Wells

California’s current regulations under AB 2729 have been inadequate to reduce the state’s counts of idle wells. This issue needs to be addressed immediately, before the state of California is exposed to additional economic risk.

Empowering Colorado Communities: The Importance of the Community Right to Know Act

Communities in Colorado should be immediately informed of oil and gas spills that increase their health risks. Our analysis shows why public health alerts are particularly important for communities located near extraction operations.

FracTracker Alliance Releases Statement Opposing Governor Shapiro’s Agreement With CNX

FracTracker Alliance Executive Director Shannon Smith releases statement in opposition to Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s agreement with natural gas company CNX.

Oil and Gas Activity Within California Public Health Protection Zones

Assessment shows hundreds of sensitive receptor sites located within 3,200 feet of operational oil and gas wells in California would have been protected if California Senate Bill 1137 had not been challenged by referendum.