Youngstown Residents Stand Against Pyrolysis Plant: A Community’s Fight for Environmental Justice

The story of SOBE Concerned Citizens and their fight against a pyrolysis plant in Youngstown, Ohio, is a testament to the power of community action in achieving environmental justice.

Fossil Fashion: How Oil and Gas Fuel the Fashion Industry

Fast fashion relies heavily on synthetic materials and nonrenewable energy sources, leaving behind significant environmental footprints and often involving unethical labor practices.

On the Wrong Track: Risks to Residents of the Upper Ohio River Valley From Railroad Incidents

Report finds risks to residents of the Upper Ohio River Valley as a result of an average of over four rail incidents per week in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Digital Atlas: Exploring Nature and Industry in the Raccoon Creek Watershed

Digital atlas of Pennsylvania’s Raccoon Creek unveils a comprehensive exploration of the watershed, emphasizing its ecological richness, recreational offerings, and the multifaceted impacts of industrial activities.

Donny Nelson harvesting his field at his farm near Keene, North Dakota. Photo by David Nix 2015

Fertilizer Production in the United States: How Big Ag is Fossil Fueled

Producing nitrogen fertilizer for US cropland depends on cheap and unfettered access to natural gas to fuel the industrial chemical manufacturing process for synthesizing ammonia.

Introducing Open-FF: Uncovering Fracking Chemicals

Open-FF is an open-source project that transforms the FracFocus data into an easier-to-use resource to help researchers, interested community members and activists find what they need about fracking chemicals.

Photo by David Nix 2015

How Spills, Holes, and Cracks Release Fracking Chemicals Into the Environment

FracTracker dives into how toxic fracking chemicals and waste products enter our environment through accidents, spills, and equipment failures, and the impact on Pennsylvania communities.

Urge EPA to Strengthen Standards for Chemical Plants

The EPA has proposed updates to several of the rules that regulate chemical manufacturing plants, which could protect the health of communities and workers by creating new air monitoring requirements and controls for roughly 227 sites.

Widespread, Lingering Impacts of Norfolk Southern Warrant an Emergency Response

Hundreds of reports from the frontlines prove that the impacts of the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, warrant an emergency response.

Visualizing Pollution: Corpus Christi Data Dashboard

The Corpus Christi Data Dashboard is a comprehensive map viewer that visualizes air and water quality data in Corpus Christi, Texas, utilizing FLIR imagery videos, air and water pollution monitor data, and facility locations.